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First approach


The first thing we did was to read the play noting down every production need and splitting them into categories: characters and actors, attrezzo, costumes, audiovisual.


After this, the next step was to travel to Gibraltar to visit and inspect the theatre where the author intends to represent the play: the John Mackintosh Hall.


Taking measurements and photos and talking with the theatre staff, we achieved a spatial vision of the places where the action will develop. Thanks to this material, we could make sketches and a 3D reconstruction of the working space. Applying the events described in the text to the new material, we extrapolated a unitary vision of the action to take specific decisions about the Mise en Scene.  


First of all, we took decisions about scenography and attrezzo, using as a starting point the suggestions that the play gave to us. We thought of a single metamorphic object as the centre of the scene, that could be adapted to the play's requirements at every moment. 

The complete integration of the object  with the action is an essential part of our proposal.


With the introduction of such element in our dramaturgy, we could take coherent decisions about all the other aspects of the play, especially about the characters and the audiovisual part. 


In a matter of weeks we arrived at a new conception of the play, that completed and amplified the original idea proposed by the text, so that we could finally make a list of all the objects, costumes, actors etc, that we needed.


"Naturally, as a complement to the above, there is also an underlying artistic pretension, an aesthetic finality to the production, and that is to provide to the audience an opportunity for incursion into unfamiliar territories outside of their comfort zone, to deliver a different type of theatrical and cultural artefact, a beautiful spectacle that is wholly unexpected and unprecedented, that is risqué but also entertaining, where life and art become interchangeable, mutually contaminated Siamese twins, with unpredictable results."

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